Module 4 Extra Credit Posts for Spring 2024
For April 1 (rescheduled from March 27) In a red state like Utah, it can be hard to convince macroeconomics students of facts about Democrats. One point I try to stress is that all elected officials like to spend money on their pet government "programs". Perhaps Republicans are a little less inclined to do this. Both parties try pretty hard to sell the ideas that Democrats always want to spend more and Republicans always want to cut spending. There isn't much evidence to support this. The same thing happens with taxes. All elected officials like to cut taxes because they think this will help them get your vote. Perhaps Democrats are a little less inclined to do this. Both parties try pretty hard to sell the idea that Republicans always want to cut taxes and Democrats always want to raise them. Again, the evidence is pretty weak on this. The reality is that both parties have bought in hard to the Keynesian idea that increasing government spending and cutting taxes will imp...
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